Automate Microservice to API by using Kubernetes Operator Pattern

The recent constraints on businesses have pushed organizations to accelerate their plans for moving operations to the digital world—often shrinking timelines from years to months to weeks. Microservices architecture (MSA) is critical to accomplish fast innovation, and the APIs exposed from microservices should be secured, managed, observed, and monetized. All these steps require significant time.

Kubernetes is designed for automation. The Operator pattern captures how you can write code and extend the Kubernetes cluster to automate a task beyond its out-of-the-box capabilities. In this session, Lakmal will demonstrate and share his experience of automating microservice to API by introducing a Kubernetes Operator that works together with an API Management system while enhancing the developer experience.

🔺 5:00 – 5:10 Introductions
🔺 5:10 – 5:40 Presentation
🔺 5:40 – 6:00 Q&A

We’ll cover:
🔹 Discuss the application evolution and role of API Gateway in a microservice architecture
🔹 Share what we learn from customers pain points
🔹 Understanding Kubernetes Operator pattern and its usage
🔹 Share implementation experience of Kubernetes Operator for API Management
🔹 Demonstrate how Kubernetes Operator helps in automating the end-to-end process

🔶 Lakmal Warusawithana, Sr. Director, Cloud Architecture (WSO2)

Lakmal has a long history of working in open source, cloud, and DevOps technologies and has been Vice President of Apache Stratos PaaS Project. Lakmal has contributed to many cloud-native open-source projects, including WSO2 Kubernetes API Operator, which focuses on reducing the complexity of API Management systems. Lakmal has also presented at numerous events, including ApacheCon, CloudOpen, QCon, JaxLondon, Cloud Expo, Cloudstack Collaboration Conference, WSO2Con, and many tech meetups.

🔶 Daniel Cohen, Director of Customer Success (Styra)

Daniel will be our host for this event. He is currently heading up customer success at Styra, the founders of Open Policy Agent, an incubating project at CNCF. Previously he was Manager of Solution Consulting at PagerDuty, Sr. Sales Engineer at AppDynamics and DataStax, and VP of Technology J.P. Morgan.

Event Details


Date & Time:

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
5:30 AM to 6:30 AM IST